8th science biology Reaching The age of Adolescence




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By Er. Amit Singh

10-Reaching The age of Adolescence


  • The phase of life, when the body undergoes radical changes, leading to reproductive maturity, is known as adolescence
  • After adolescence comes the adulthood.
  • Adolescence normally begins around the age of 11 and lasts up to 18 or 19 years of the age. However, the phase of adolescence varies from person to person.
  • Starting from thirteen (13) to nineteen (19), ‘teen’ is suffix and common in every number; therefore, adolescents are also known as ‘teenagers.’
  • In girls, adolescence phase may begin one year or two years earlier than the boys.

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    • During the adolescence phase, the human body undergoes several changes, which are marked as the onset of puberty.
    • The most important change, which marks puberty, is that the boys and the girls become capable of reproduction.
    • Puberty, however, ends when an adolescent phase attains reproductive maturity.

    Sex Determination of baby 

    • The sex of the baby depends on the chromosomes presents in the fertilized egg.
    • Chromosomal sex is determined at fertilization.
    • Sex is influenced by genetic and environmental factors.
    • Females (generally XX) do not have a Y chromosome.
    • Formation of male or female reproductive structures depends on
    •  Gene action.
    •  Interactions within the embryo.
    •  Interactions with other embryos in the uterus.
    •  Interactions with the maternal environment.

    Balanced diet
    2-vegetables, legumes and beans
    3-cereals (including breads, rice, pasta and noodles), preferably wholegrain
    4-lean meat, fish, poultry and/or alternatives
    5milks,cheeses and/or alternatives (children under 2 should have full-fat milk, but older children and adolescents can have reduced-fat varieties)
    6- Taking proper exercise and playing games.

    Personal Hygiene

     Endocrine System of Humans


    • Hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the blood, which carries them to organs and tissues of the body to exert their functions
    • The hormones are produced in special organs which are called Endocrine glands.
    • Endocrine glands have no ducts.
    • Endocrine glands glands are also called ductless glands.

    Function of Hormones
    • Hormones help in maintaining a constant environment inside the body.
    • It adjusting the amount of salt and water in our body tissues, sugar in the blood and salt in the sweat.
    • It produce long term changes such as a child growth and sexual maturation.
    • It expressing the emotion such as fear,anger ,happiness etc.



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