9th Biology osmosis

   class 9th science


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1-Osmosis is  the moment of water molecules or  solvent across the Semi Permeable membrane from a region of its higher concentration to a region of its lower concentration .

2-Also say that  Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a semi-permeable membrane .

3-where semi permeable membrane like the cell membrane.

NOTE- Diffusion means  'diffundere' in latin word , Diffusion can take place in all state of matter but it take place faster in the gaseous state

The  term diffusion is the net movement of solute particles from a region of high concentration to the region of low concentration

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Factors affecting  Osmosis

Osmosis depending  upon  the Tonicity of the solution. there are mainly three conditions  can take place
1- Hypo-tonic Solution

2- Iso-tonic  Solution

3-Hyper-tonic Solution

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1- Hypo-tonic Solution    ( eg Distilled water)

a- Hypotonic  solutions are solutions having lower  osmotic pressures

b-These solutions are dilute or has more water molecule than the cell is called hypotonic solution

c- If an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic  solution ,water from the outside moves  into the cell according to osmosis ,it is called endosmosis.

d-If the process is continue in animal cell then the cell may burst.

e- If the plant cell is placed in hypotonic  solutions ,it  does not burst because the plant cells are surrounded by a tough cell wall.

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2- Iso-tonic  Solution    (eg 0.9% saline)

1-  Iso-tonic solutions are solutions having equal  osmotic pressures.

2- If the concentration of water molecules in the solution is the same as that of the cell.

3- If concentration of water molecules are same, there will be no  net movement of water molecules
across the membrane.

4- The net moment of water is zero in this solution.
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3-Hyper tonic Solution      (eg Ocean water)

1- In this solution  the water molecules is less than that of the cell,it is said to be a hypertonic  solution

2- These solutions  are more solutes 

3-If an animal cell placed in a hypertonic  solution it loses water by Osmosis.

4- In this solution the osmosis is like exosmosis  and body shrinks.

5- In hyper tonic solution the water move out from the cell wall , which is known as plasmolysis.

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