8th Reproduction in animals


Class 8th Science


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Reproduction of Animals

  • In the Earth living organism is dead after some time.
  • No living organism is permanent on the Earth.
  • For the continuation of life on the earth it is essential to reproduce life.
  • Reproduction is important for the growth of population of any species

Type of reproduction
There are mainly two types of way of  production

  1. Asexual Reproduction
  2. Sexual Reproduction

  1. Asexual Reproduction-
  • In this type of Reproduction one individual is capable of reproducing another individual. This kind of reproduction is known  as Asexual Reproduction.
  • Reproduction in amoeba takes place through binary fission.
  • In binary fission the nucleus divided ,then new individual create.
  • Asexual Reproduction organism does not required sexual cells.

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2-Sexual Reproduction 
  • In this type of  Reproduction male and female sex cells are required .
  • Male and Female sex cells are known as gametes from  the two parents  unite to form a zygote.
  • In Most animal and plants sexual reproduction takes place.
  • Animals and plants have different organs that produce the male and female gametes.

Male Reproductive Organs
Male reproductive organs consists following terms.

  • Testes 
  • The sperm ducts

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  • It is placed inside the scrotal sacs outside the abdominal cavity.
  • Testes produce millions of male gametes known as sperms.

  • These are very small in size 
  • Each sperm is a single cell consisting of a head and tail with middle portion.

The sperm ducts or vas  deferens
  • It is a tube  by which the sperms reach the penis from the testes.

  • This is a  muscular structure which transfers the sperms inside the female reproductive system

Female Reproductive Organs
The main  female reproductive organs are given as below
  1. Ovaries
  2. Oviducts or fallopian tubes
  3. Uterus
  4. Vagina

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  1. Ovaries
  • Ovaries is an important part of  female reproductive organs.
  • Ovaries are present in pair. it is two in number.
  • These are situated in the lower abdominal cavity.
  • Ovaries produces a single celled egg or an ovum every month.

    2 Oviducts or fallopian tubes
  • Oviducts or fallopian tubes are connect the ovaries to the uterus.
  • It transfer the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.

      3 Uterus
  • This is a muscular structure.
  • Uterus take place for the development  of foetus.

       4 Vagina
  • It is a muscular tube through which the uterus opens to the outside

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  • The fusion of Sperms and an Ovum is known as fertilization.
  • Fertilization is the process of reproduction.
  • fertilization is the first step of beginning of reproduction.
For fertilization these components are take main role
  • Ovum
  • Sperms

  • Ovum is a reproductive cell in female .
  •  A mature female reproductive cell is called Ovum.
  • The Ovum contributes one chromosome of each pair to the fertilized cell

  • Sperms is the male reproductive cell.
  • It is used for production of new one.
  • Sperms is the smallest cell of the human cells.

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Types of Fertilization

Fertilization  may be either External  or internal

  1. External Fertilization
  2. Internal Fertilization

1-External Fertilization
when the fusion of the sperm and the ovum take place outside the body of the female it is known as external fertilization.

Eg- Fish ,frog,toads are the example of external fertilization

2-Internal Fertilization
When the fusion or fertilization take place inside the body of the female this is known as internal fertilization 

  • Different  animals have different size of egg
  • The ostrich egg is  largest egg
  • In human   the male sperms are released inside the vagina.

  • Animals that lay eggs are called OVIPAROUS animals.
  • Animals that give birth to young  ones are called VIVIPAROUS animals.
  • The egg or ovum is released by the ovary and reaches the oviduct.
  • one of the sperms that reach the oviduct fuses with egg  and fertilizes it and make forms Zygote.
  • The nuclei of  the sperms and the ovum unite and give rise to a single nucleus.

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Development of Embryo

  • The zygote further undergoes repeated divisions and gives rise to ball of cells that form groups and develops into different tissues and organs of body. This structure is called embryo.
  • It develops the different body parts like hands, legs, eyes, ears, nose, etc. this phase of embryo when it has developed all its body parts is called foetus

Viviparous Animals
  • Those  animals who give birth to young ones are known as  Viviparous Animals.
  •  Most mammals give birth to their young one.
  • Human , animals like cow ,dog , horse etc

  • some exceptions like the spiny ant eater or the echidna and platypus which gives egg.

Echidna gives egg

Oviparous Animals
  • Those animals who gives EGG are called oviparous Animals
  • Like  birds ,reptiles and insects .
  • The birds are egg lying animals but their egg are fertilized internally.
  • After fertilization the number of protective layers are formed around the zygote

  • The phenomenon in which the organism goes through drastic (very fast) changes in different stages of its life is known as Metamorphosis

  • Frog eggs are very different from the adult frog.
  • Metamorphosis is also known as life cycle.


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